plant a tree

Not many people can say they have a fruit tree planted by the Okavango River,
with their name on the label,
all in support of an amazing cause.

sponsor a fruit tree in your name,
or in honour of a loved one.

  1. donate £30

  2. add a name for the label

  3. Get your certificate & PICTURES by email

You’ll also get access to our private Facebook Community where we’ll post a picture of all the labelled trees, with updates every year showing the progress.

Ps. If you have specific preference, write the type of tree in the text box provided when you donate.
It could be Banana, Papaya, Mango, or Citrus.


your tree will be part of a system like this, regenaerating the Earth and providing fresh food for many in need.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.
The second best time is now.


  • For every £30 that is donated, one fruit tree will be planted into the African soil, adding to our Agroforestry system.

  • This system will provide an abundance of fresh, affordable, organic food across the country and beyond (if you’ve been to Namibia, you’ll know how needed this is.)

  • Not only that, but the site will be the foundation of our Training Centre, where we’ll teach local people a way to create food security for themselves that’s low-cost and low-maintenance, providing the materials to get started.

  • We’ll update you every year showing how your tree is developing.

+more pros

  • Half the donation will go towards planting the tree and all the things that involves, e.g. - the seedling itself, the transport, the label, the labour, the continual care/watering.

  • The other half will go towards supporting the overall development of the farm, e.g. - establishing the Training Centre, building infrastructure, maintaining irrigation, etc.

  • Through this donation, you’ll gain lifetime access to our private Facebook Community, where we’ll be sharing all the pictures, as well as Q & A’s and our more personal ‘insider’ updates.

  • As a donator you’re welcome to visit, and eventually even pick the fruit from your very own tree!

All in all, your donation will support a start-up in reframing the agricultural system, helping the planet and it’s people by planting the future.


other ways to support aywa…


If you’re interested in supporting us through larger donations or investments, we have a list of specific areas that need funding. Please follow the link for more information.

Spread the Word

Follow us on social media, and tell your friends and family about our amazing project. There's no better way to make an impact than to share it with the world.