what we’ve achieved so far:

  • We have our own water source! It comes 112m deep in the Earth, fresh and clean as can be, from an unlimited supply.

  • The locals have access too. Now they get clean water from us instead of filling canisters at the river.

  • Our Plant Nursery is built! With over 30 species of seedlings already growing.

  • Plant multiplication is underway, as we gather all the sources we’ll need to plant the first large-scale Agroforest.

  • The sample Agroforest site has been planted! This is a 18 x 18m example that will be used for our trainings.

  • We renovated the two abandoned buildings, turning them into living and storage spaces.

  • The fields are cleared from leftover stumps and invasive thorn bushes, prepped to start planting the trees in September.

  • In this time, we were able to provide employment to over 40+ locals, and have a permanent team of 15 locals.

Explore our Blog below for deeper insights into the project progress

Loree Cabuderra Loree Cabuderra

3. The Gift Of Water

In a lot of countries, water is so easily accessible that going without never needs to be a concern. It’s just there, coming straight out of the tap whenever we need it. Up here in the Kavango area however, it’s quite different.

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Loree Cabuderra Loree Cabuderra

2. The Land

Wild animals, Kings, abandoned ruins.
Totaling 38 hectares, the property hadn’t been lived on since 2008, and it had been left barren ever since then.

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Loree Cabuderra Loree Cabuderra

1. Where It All Started

An entry from June 2022: After a long 8-hour drive we finally made it to northern Namibia. Greeted by the warm air, orange sand, and beautiful big trees, it definitely felt surreal to think that this is our new home.

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Hanjo Wolf Hanjo Wolf

Food security for Namibia?

When you think of Namibia, I’m sure green fields with vegetable and fruits growing on them would not be the first thing that comes to mind.

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