welcome to aywa

we’re building sustainable & regenerative solutions to
thrive with nature.

Planting trees, re-establishing ecosystems, creating jobs, protecting wildlife - in the depths of Northern Namibia, Africa.

Our PhiLosophy

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm, it’s about doing more good.

Agroforestry transforms barren lands into abundant forests - producing food, medicine, and other natural resources - all whilst mitigating the effects of
climate change.

Join us in building long-term solutions that enable both humans and nature to thrive, together.

we’re planting trees for
the planet, the people, the future

What we do

Find out about Our Mission, Our Why,
and How Agroforestry is the solution to so many issues.

Get Involved

You can become a contributor to this much needed change. We still have so much to do. Your support and donations help us massively, allowing us to move things along even faster.

Donate, Sponsor a specific project,
or Plant A Tree in your name.


Have a read into our Blog to discover deeper insights on what’s been happening at the forest farm lately and what exciting projects are
coming up soon.

Agriculture is not only a production unit, it is a habitat, the whole needs to kept in mind to keep it healthy and sustainable.